I have been working on a lace collar for a friend of mine for about a year now. I had to start over because I used the wrong size of thread when I first attempted it. That was ok because I made a lot of mistakes figuring out the pattern. Here is a picture of how it's going. The title of this post is a link to the website of the man in Poland who designed the pattern. Its picture #5.
excuse my ignorance, but what's a lace collar?
Dear Mr. Sinister,
Thank you for taking the time to view and respond to my Blog. A lace collar is something your wear on the outside of a high neck dress to make it look pretty. Kind of like a tie for men, but round. You could say it's a necklace made of string.
Any more questions, feel free to post again.
Oh, and good luck with the mid-terms. I bet if you listened to your iP00d while you read, it would go much faster.
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