Wednesday, September 3, 2008


I know, I haven't posted for a long time. I've been a big slacker. I discovered Facebook after some urging from my brother and since I've been doing updates on there, updates were not being done here. I'm pretty excited because I've found friends I haven't talked to in ages and it's wonderful!

In regards to projects:
  • The room/great room/dining room/project room is still in progress. A lot of furniture has been moved around and I think I have the final configuartion set up. There are still a lot of boxes that still need to be sorted/organized. I don't seem to get much done unless I have a "babysitter". I seem to need a person in the room with me, even if they are just sitting there talking to me. My brain doesn't seem to function without feedback from someone else.
  • I have been working on painting table legs for the new computer table. They are these big cardboard tubes that will hold up a very large, very heavy oak door. I wanted to paint them gold and then do crackle paint with white paint. It just turned out looking not nice, so that has changed, but I got stuck deciding what color to paint it and haven't worked on it for a couple of weeks now-kind of frustrated with myself.
  • Decided I had too many dishes and am trying to down-size. But getting overwhelmed with everything.
  • Forcing myself to work on my tatting. Not enjoying it anymore. Can't figure out if it's because the project I've been working on for a year was too big/complicated, or I just don't like having to follow someone else's pattern rather than making up my own.
  • Wanting to go back to school. Decided I want to be a costume designer for the ballet. So I was thinking my degree should be in Fashion Design/Costume Design/Theatre Design with possibly a minor in Graphic Arts and Theatre Management. I can't see any way to pay for it. I don't want to do full time work and full time school again. It really was too much last time I did that. Also, the whole stress=bad headaches is a bit of an obstacle.
So, if you can't tell I am seriously overwhelmed and frustrated with my life right now. I don't see any way to make my dreams come true. It's probably my perfectionist tendancies rearing it's ugly head. Gah!!!

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