Thursday, May 29, 2008

Look at my ...

Food and exercise blog. It is in the Links list over to the left. :)

Monday, May 26, 2008

That song...

I can't find a song I remember from the 80's. It had lyrics like "mary, save a place for me in heaven." or "Mary, say a prayer for me." But I cannot find it anywhere. Does anyone else remember it?

Update!!! Erin found it on youtube Hooray for Erin!!!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Pics from Mother's Day

Mothers Day Card

I made this mothers day card for my mom. I took pictures of it with my camera which can select only one color to show and everything else in black and white.

The things my camera can do.

Here are some cool things my new camera can do.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

It's a Myste Birthday!

Today is my cat Lady Myste Elizabeth Skye's 2nd Birthday! She is sweet and cuddly and adorable.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Mural

I didn't get a chance to show everyone the mural I made for my sister's murder-mystery dinner. So finally here it is! It was done on plain brown paper and I used Chalk and Charcoal as my medium. (Bet you can't guess which part I got lazy on and used another way to make it all look good?)